Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friends' Birthday Parties

Henri was invited to two birthday parties this weekend. On Saturday, he was at Patrick's Mickey Mouse backyard party and Sunday at Emily's Party. He enjoyed decorating a bird feeder that he hung up in his fort to feed the chickadees and building in the sand box with Peter. The kids enjoyed getting wet from the mister and super soaker on such a hot 40 degree day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A visit to Henri's house

Henri hosted a visit at his house for Jeanette, Aunt Amy and his cousins Sheena & Kate. He & Tristan prepared Tourtiere and Pouding Chomeur (traditional Quebec cuisine) to serve for lunch. Henri showed off his vegetable garden, caught toads, walked around lake, and went on the trampoline. Jeanette & Amy enjoyed the 'fountain of youth' that Henri made with a large plastic bottle and hose in his swimming pool.

(below is a picture of the meat pie that just needs its top crust-Henri rolls out most of the dough)

(below is a picture of the very sweet dessert - made with lots of maple syrup)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Doon Heritage Village

Henri went with his cousins to Doon Heritage Village to discover what life was like in 1914. We learned so much as we went through the village into the train station, printing shop, post office, blacksmith shop and Bricker barn. The highlight of the day was playing the old games such as the ring and the stick and learning how to walk on stilts - which Kate turns out to be a natural.

Enjoying time at home

We enjoyed a few days at home during our weeks vacation. It gave us a chance to work in the garden, walk around the lake, feed the swans, catch baby toads, see turtles and swim at the neighbours.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Webster's Fall

Henri invited his friend Peter to meet his cousins for a picnic lunch and hike on Tuesday at Webster's Fall. We thought the scenic falls and wonderful view would be a great place to visit with Jeanette who is here for the next two weeks from Glasgow, Scotland. It was incredibly hot so we did not climb to the Dundas Peak (only through Webster's & Tews Fall) so we will have to go back again in the Fall.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Swimming & Park Outing

Henri decided he wanted to go swimming in the outdoor pool followed by a picnic lunch at Riverside Park. We often go to the park but today we took a walk through the enabling garden and paddled on the Speed River rather then hitting all of Henri's usual spots.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Strawberry Picking

We decided to go strawberry picking today at Birkbank Farms. The plants were abundant with ripe strawberries so it took no time at all to pick about six pints. Henri had his berries with milk for lunch - a very sweet treat.

Canada Day

Canada Day kicked off the first day of our stay-cation. We have the next week off to enjoy time at home and get out for a few day trips. Henri did a great job making his own Canadian flag and this is the first time we stayed up late to see the local fireworks display.