Sunday, November 27, 2011

Santa Claus Parade

On Saturday Henri went to the Santa Claus Parade in Erin followed by the tree lighting & visit by Santa in Hillsburgh. Henri enjoyed watching the parade from in front of Peter's house. It was so warm that it felt a bit strange to be celebrating the Christmas season.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mother Goose Pantomime

On Saturday we attended our first performance at the Century Church Theatre. This year's Christmas production was the Mother Goose Pantomime which involved plenty of audience participation, music and colourful costumes. Henri was not familiar with the story of the goose who laid the golden eggs - he said after the show he learned a valuable lesson about being happy with you have.

Window Wonderland

On Friday evening we went to the Window Wonderland, the kick off event for the Christmas season. The stores in Erin unveil there holiday displays and attract many shoppers - we really like the live statues in one window front. Henri saw Santa on the horse drawn carriage and we enjoyed Christmas carols along with the complimentary hot dogs, cookies & hot chocolate.

Tree Removal

After high winds left a tree dangerously leaning on another cedar in our yard, we had to call a company to chop the tree down. Henri enjoyed watching the process and couldn't believe how easily the man could climb up the tall cedar to be able to reach the top of the leaning tree. We spent most of the weekend cleaning up the small branches and splitting logs. Henri is planning on making a craft out of the tree log rings. He counted the rings and determined the tree was 36 years old.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

RISE up workshop

On Saturday, Henri attended the RISE (Raising Individual Self Esteem) up workshop sponsored by the Optimist Club. Tristan also attended to assist with the large group of 25 boys aged 7-12. The workshop included discussions around bullying, body image, understanding others and being strong members of community and families.

Remembrance Day Events

This year Henri had the opportunity to learn about the significance of Remembrance Day by taking part in a library program, going to the service at the Cenotaph, and watching "A Poppy Is To Remember" dramatic performance at the local school.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Homer Watson Gallery

Henri went this week on a GHG field trip to the Homer Watson House & Gallery. In 1855 Homer Watson, was one of Canada's first internationally recognized artists. Henri took part in a 2-hour metal art class where he learned about proporations and made a tin foil figurine - the instructor made an amazing knight out of just two feet of tin foil.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Guy Fawkes Night

Tristan had to take photos last evening at a neighbour's house who hosted a bonfire & fireworks for Guy Fawkes Night. Henri enjoyed learning the 400 year old story of Guy Fawkes' failure to blow up London's parliament where King James 1 narrowly escaped and Guy Fawkes was tried as a traitor. They had an amazing fireworks display and one of the largest bonfires that we have ever sat around.

Tour of Buns Master Bakery

Henri went on a tour of the Buns Master bakery. He enjoyed seeing how the ingredients were mixed together to make the dough and then baked in large industry ovens. Each child received a goodie bag at the end and the parent took home a fresh baked loaf of bread.