Sunday, June 3, 2012

Stratford festival

On Tuesday May 29,we went to Stratford for the Shakespeare Festival. We went to see You're A Good Man Charlie Brown. We got there about an hour before the show so we could feed the swans and ducks, then we went to the gardens and the gift shop, where we overheard the cashier saying that the show was at another theater.  Luckily it was close by so we got there just in time.

Julian's sleepover

Henri's cousin Julian came for a sleepover on the long weekend in May. They spent most of the time outside on the trampoline, building a bonfire and bug hunting. Julian said next time he would be coming for 4 days so I guess he enjoyed himself.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Grace's Birthday Party

On May 21st we spent the afternoon at Graciela's birthday party. Julian, her big brother made all decorations for the bug themed party. Henri enjoyed playing with his cousins and Grace had fun playing the games (especially Twister) and opening her gifts.

Backyard Chicken Coop

Recently we converted our compost shed into a chicken coop. Henri & Tristan went to St. Jacobs to pick up ten 6-week old chicks that we have started to raise so we can have fresh eggs daily. The chickens enjoy spending the day sunbathing in the chicken run and Henri enjoys feeding them a variety of leftovers such as corn on the cob and watermelon.

Field Trip to Alpaca Farm

On May 9th, Henri went with friends to the Alpaca Farm. Most of the time was free play, with the kids hand feeding grass to the alpaca which they picked from the adjacent field. The owners knew a lot about their herd and answered the kids' questions.

Knights of Valour Medeival Times Show

On Tuesday May 8th we went to the Knights of Valour workshop. First there was a show, they had games between the knights which included a jousting match,sword fight and a birds of prey demonstration. After the show we went in a smaller group to different stations to learn about siege weapons, life of a knight, war horses, birds of prey and armory.