Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Visit with Grandpa & Grandma

Henri went to see his Grandparents in Carlisle. He enjoyed learning about Grandma Marie's old treasures including her antique whistle and finishing the visit off with a game of Phase 10.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year...2014

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas Day with our family at Steve & Andrea's house. The kids had a lot of fun opening their presents and playing Taylor's new Wii dance game (even the adults enjoyed it).

Ice Storm

We lost power for six days leading up to Christmas along with many others in Ontario. We were so fortunate that the neighbour lent us a generator to keep us warm and have now purchased a new generator for any future outages. Henri enjoyed the experience...especially opening his gifts on Christmas morning by candlelight.

Making Gingerbread Men

Henri & Peter took two days to bake and decorate gingerbread men for Christmas. Peter was going to share his with his family and we really enjoyed the tasty treat.

Tobogganing with Peter

On Dec. 20th Henri & Peter enjoyed the PA Day tobogganing on the icy hill at the school.

Playing in the Snow

By middle of December enough snow had fallen to make a large snow pile. Henri & Peter made it into a snow fort and also made a cute snowman.

Hercules Christmas Party

Grandpa & Grandma invited us to attend the Hercules Christmas Party on Dec. 7th. Grandpa has been taking his children and grandchildren to this event for over 40 years. Henri enjoyed the reptile show where he say one of the largest American toads.

GHG Craft Sale

Henri was busy preparing crafts with his mother for about a month leading up to this year's craft sale. The sale attracted a large crowd and Henri's Aunt Amy & Grandparents came out and purchased several items from Henri's table. Henri enjoys the part at the end of the sale when the vendors can swap or barter and take home some wonderful handmade items.

Wintersinger's Tree Farm

Every year we go to Wintersinger's farm to cut down our Christmas Tree. This year, Henri picked the tree, chopped it down and decorated on his own (his parents just enjoyed the beautiful weather).