Saturday, May 28, 2011

Spring Rural Romp

Henri enjoyed visiting two local farms during the Spring Rural Romp. We started at Heartwood Farm which is the home of one of Henri's former classmates. Joel explained every plant he was growing in the greenhouse and showed us through the barn to see the horses and goats. We travelled from there to Whole Circle Farms and found the highlight to be the muddy walk to see the chickens that resided in an old school bus.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Final Science Co-op

ESQ wrapped-up the science co-op for the year with the highly interesting/popular topic of electricity. After a short introduction the fundamentals of electric current, participants enjoyed completing their own electric cycles using DC circuit board kits which allowed them to to turn on lights, speakers and motors. Afterward, Henri and his friend celebrated the end of the season with a short visit at the park and their favourite Bailey's ice cream.

They played 'hide from the camera' at Bailey's so this is the best I could get.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Thanks to an amazing discount offer from the GHG, we went to Stratford on Victoria Day Monday to attend the finale performance of Camelot at the Shakespeare Theatre. Unfortunately, photography wasn't allowed during the performance, but please take my word for it: It was so awesome/splendid/remarkable/fabulous that it kept the entire audience including Henri and even younger kids' attention during the entire three hour performance without them even noticing the event's educational value! We arrived two hours before curtain time and brought our picnic lunch, which allowed us to experience a few of the many photogenic areas in Stratford, including a lovely park which is home to many ducks, geese and swans.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Surprise Birthday Party

Henri went to his first surprise birthday party on Sunday to celebrate his aunt's birthday. He and his cousins were looking forward to her reaction at seeing her house filled with friends and family as she returned home from a weekend trip. Afterward, the cousins were very tempted to go for a dip in the pool, but with the water temperature at a frigid 60 degrees, they enjoyed playing games around the pool instead.

Friday, May 20, 2011

World Expo

In recent weeks, Henri has enjoyed researching facts and preparing his display on Argentina with his mom for the 2011 GHG World Expo. Henri was fortunate to have the photos, books and clothing from his Aunt & Uncle's trip to Argentina. Each participant was given a passport book to collect stamps and sample local delicacies as they travelled through and learned about countries such as India, Japan, Holland, Ireland, and Haiti. Henri's treat from Argentina was quite popular. Our 10 pound bag of apples (with Argentinian Dulce de Leche dip) went quickly.

This was the first year we actively participated in this event which showcased 15 countries. Last year we only attended as 'spectators' because we had just started homeschooling. This year, Henri was inquisitive about other countries' exhibits and had fun playing games with both new and existing friends. What a contrast with last year, when he wouldn't let go of my hand during the entire visit and wouldn't say a word to anyone but me.
We've already signed up for next year....and selected the country - Scotland.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy Saturday

Henri always looks forward to weekends so he can spend some quality time with mom. It was too rainy for gardening after breakfast so instead they focused on preparing the main part of Henri's exhibit for next Friday's World Expo. After lunch they joined dad who was covering a fundraiser event at the Legion for a fun game of indoor mini-golf.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Science Co-op

The topic of this week's science co-op was 'Living Things'. Participants learned how to differentiate between living beings and inanimate objects. They were amazed to observe the variety of living creatures found in a small container filled with water collected from a pond of standing water which included mosquito larvae among other life forms.


Henri enjoyed learning about building a shelter using basic materials this week. He was thrilled to see his first teepee quickly take shape. It was set in the vegetable garden and he is looking forward to seeing his shelter develop once the bean plants cover the structure as the growing season progresses.

Bookkeeping Pickup

Henri usually catches up on school work while on the road during my weekly bookkeeping document pickups. Spring was in the air on Tuesday so instead he invited his friend Peter to join him for some creative storytelling during the drive and a picnic lunch at Riverside park.

An Olympian Visit

Thanks to an Advocate assignment, Henri recently had the chance to attend an all school assembly at a local school and hear in detail the fascinating and inspirational journey of three-time Olympic gold medal winner Becky Kellar, who recently retired from Team Canada's women's hockey team.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Creativity Greenhouse

Henri joined an art class a few weeks ago and is really enjoying learning about ancient Rome and Egypt through sculpture and artwork. He was thrilled with his first piece (horse sculpture) and has it proudly displayed on his desk in his bedroom.