Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory

On Wednesday, Henri was on a Bugsicle Hunt at the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory. The group started inside discovering how insects survive our Canadian winters and then went outside to spend time exploring for signs of insect life. Afterwards, they visited the tropical Conservatory to see butterflies, birds and turtles.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snow Fort

Henri spent an entire weekend making a snow fort. It was just taking shape before the rain and warm temperature we experienced this week. Henri will have to start again if we have any snow in the forecast. It was funny to hear Wiarton Willy predict an early spring...since Henri is still waiting for winter.

Chinese New Year at Marden Coop

On January 23rd, Henri had both of his parents teaching at the Marden Coop. We decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year by making a lantern, dragon mask, reading the Chinese Zodiac, playing a few traditional games such as dominoes, chopstick relay race and chasing dragon.

Guelph Nature Centre

On January 11th Henri went with the Homeschool Group to the Guelph Nature Centre and took part in a interpretive guided hike. The kids learned how to identify animal tracks, medicinal properties of cedar, hand feed chickadees, and after the hike enjoyed going inside to learn about reptiles. Henri thought the cedar tasted good, but was happy he was not selected to try the beetle larva. Only one was brave enough to volunteer.

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Fallen Tree

In the last few months we had to bring in Johnny Bark to chop down three of our trees. In two cases, heavy winds had trees leaning dangerously close to the deck and roof. The third tree had to be removed for the new room addition. Henri helped pile the logs over several weekends. It will take us several years to burn all that wood.