Monday, July 23, 2012

Henri's Garden

Henri made a Scarecrow this weekend for his garden. The vegetables are growing slowly in this dry, hot weather. So far we have had lettuce, green onions and the cucumber, tomatoes, garlic, beans will be ready in the next week or so. The one good thing is the weeds have not taken over.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Playdates with Peter

Henri has spent lots of time this summer with Peter. They have so much fun together catching frogs and toads by the lake, playing Lego, and squirt the camera man (Tristan). Peter also had his first sleepover at our place last week, and they built a frog/toad habitat in the front yard. Below is a video of the two of them by the Lake.

Justin's Visit

Henri enjoyed having his cousin over for a few days a couple of weeks ago. Justin finally got to see the  chickens. They played board games, went fishing, on the trampoline, walked on stilts, and played mini golf. Of course, they both had to go on the computers - for Justin to skype in addition to texting his friends.

Home Renovations

We have been renovating our house since March. For the past few weekends we have been painting and cleaning. The only thing left is to put in the new deck and a staircase in the basement. We will be happy when the project is finished. Henri picked out the room colours and was a great help with the painting.

Henri's Piano Recital

This year Henri felt comfortable enough to participate at his piano recital. Tristan & Henri played 'Camp Town Races Duet' followed by Henri playing 'Down by the Bay.' This month, Henri got a new piano and he continues to practice daily. Below is a short video of the recital.