Friday, March 29, 2013

Heartwood Farm

Henri went on a field trip to Heartwood Farm this week for an educational talk and visit to the sugar shack. The trip was originally planned for last week but had to be postponed until the sap was flowing. The temperature has to be below zero at night and above zero in the day to collect maple sap. The kids started by collecting sap, watching the sap boiling in the shack, taste testing the sap vs. syrup, learning how to tap a tree, and sampled finished product.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Butterfly Conservatory

It really doesn't feel like Spring with all the snow on the ground, so today we decided to take a trip (to tropical climates) to the Butterfly Conservatory. The butterflies were very active today.

Easter Eggs

Last weekend we painted wooden eggs. Considering it was our first attempt they turned out okay. We're planning to make hot cross buns for Easter so hopefully that will be a bit more successful.

1-day old chicks

We thought it might be fun to get chicks and raise them inside until they are ready to be introduced to the Coop. The chicks need to be kept warm at 95 degrees and we have them in a big bin in the basement. Kara, Henri's kitten is very interested in them so we have to keep her upstairs (if we can't supervise).

College Royal

Every year we go to College Royal at the University of Guelph but only manage to take in about half of the exhibits. The displays we went to included horticulture, medieval times, robotics, cat show, birds of prey, marine biology, and a mine tour. It was a bit cold so we didn't walk across the campus to visit MacDonald Hall.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bronte Creek Maple Syrup Festival

Henri met his cousins in Oakville for the Maple Syrup Festival. It was snowing for most of the guided tour, where 1890s costumed interpreters demonstrate how to tap maple trees, make maple syrup and maple sugar. The line up was so long for the pancake lunch we decided to leave early. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Irish Soda Bread Biscuits

Henri helped his mother in the kitchen today to make Irish soda bread biscuits for next weekend's St. Patrick's Day dinner at her work. The recipe (see below) was pretty simple and we tripled it to make three dozen biscuits.

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of sugar (depending on how sweet you want them)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons caraway seeds
  • 1/2 to 1 cup of raisins
  • 1 1/4 cups buttermilk

1 Preheat oven to 425°F. Butter a standard muffin pan.
2 In a large bowl, vigorously whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt.
3 Cut the butter into tablespoon sized pieces into the bowl of flour. Using your (clean) fingers, work the butter into the flour, schmooshing (is that a technical term?) the butter between your fingers and mixing with the flour until the mixture resembles a coarse meal. If you are using raisins, caraway seeds, or any other add-ins, mix them into the mixture now.

Circus, Science under the Big Top

On Monday March 4th, Henri took part in a field trip to the Waterloo Region Museum to see the temporary exhibit - Circus, Science under the Big Top. The interactive exhibit allowed participants to walk the high wire, fly the elastic trapeze, explore the human cannonball and much more. Henri also enjoyed the other exhibits learning about the Waterloo region, industry and technology.

Swimming Lessons

Henri takes swimming lessons every Tuesday at the University of Guelph. Henri is at level 5 and continuing to learn/practice his breast stoke, elementary backstroke, and diving.

Big Snowfall

Henri took advantage of the heavy snowfall and spend a few hours outdoors building a snow fort. Henri was walking along the road, climbing on the large snow banks when he discovered he was high enough to climb on top of the cedar hedge and made his way around the yard.