Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blue Mountain Resort

On Friday September 13th we spent the day in Blue Mountain. This was the first time we had been to the resort so we decided to start by swimming at Plunge, followed by lunch, a stroll through the village shops and ended the day by going up the mountain in the gondola.

Johnny Bower

Henri got a chance to meet and get his picture with Johnny Bower. Johnny played in the NHL and was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1976.

Julian's Birthday Party

Henri was invited to Julian's 6th Birthday Party where he enjoyed the afternoon at his water-themed party. The kids got a chance to pin the scale on the fish, throw water balloons and break open the beta fish pinata.

Rockwood Conservation Area

On August  30th, Henri & his friend Peter spent the day enjoying a picnic lunch and hiking at Rockwood Conservation Area. This was the first year we rented a canoe and the kids got to row the canoe, getting up close to the interesting rock formations.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Justin & Taylor's House

On August 25th we finally got a chance after a busy summer to get over to Justin & Taylor's house for a swim. Henri enjoyed spending a few hours in the pool with his cousins, enjoying one of the last hot days of summer.

Mew Mew

Henri adopted a new kitten from the Humane Society in mid-August. Mew Mew is friendly, playful and adjusting well to her new home. Tommy, our older cat is still getting used to her chasing and attacking him. Tommy likely didn't imagine this would be how he would be spending his golden years.