Sunday, November 1, 2015

Julian's Birthday Party

Henri attended Julian's Birthday party on Sept. 6th. Julian had a Board Game Party which gave Henri an opportunity to try out a few new board games that you need to play with a larger group.

Grandma's Visit

We spent a week at Grandma's house in Baie Des Sables, Quebec during the week of Aug 22-28th. We went a bit later in the summer this year and were pleased to see seals while driving along the St. Lawrence. Henri brought a lap quilt for Grandma Ray's birthday that was made by Grandma Marie.We took a day trip to Exploramer Museum. The touch tank gave us an opportunity to handle local marine life.

Bronte Creek Provincial Park

On August 18th, Henri met his cousins Julian, Grace & Rosie at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Luckily, the weather was okay in the morning to go swimming, as soon as they got out it started pouring rain. They enjoyed the play barn and visiting with the animals.