Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brott Music Festival

On Tuesday we went to the Hamilton Place concert hall to attend the annual Brott Music Festival Student Education performance. Judging by the number of school buses lining up the surrounding streets, it seemed like every primary-grade level student in Hamilton was also there. It was a great format to initiate students' education/interest about famous composers (Beethoven, Mozart), musical instruments (percussion, wind) etc. using a mix of celebrity performers, story-telling and visual arts. Suffice it to say that it was spectacular enough to keep the attention span of several hundred 6 to 8 year-olds in check during a 'classical music concert' for 60 minutes! Henri was impressed after the concert and wondered how many years the musicians must have practiced to play so well. (Henri started taking piano lessons 4 weeks ago.) He told his aunt that he really enjoyed the performance when we stopped by for a short visit to play with his cousins after the concert.

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