Friday, May 20, 2011

World Expo

In recent weeks, Henri has enjoyed researching facts and preparing his display on Argentina with his mom for the 2011 GHG World Expo. Henri was fortunate to have the photos, books and clothing from his Aunt & Uncle's trip to Argentina. Each participant was given a passport book to collect stamps and sample local delicacies as they travelled through and learned about countries such as India, Japan, Holland, Ireland, and Haiti. Henri's treat from Argentina was quite popular. Our 10 pound bag of apples (with Argentinian Dulce de Leche dip) went quickly.

This was the first year we actively participated in this event which showcased 15 countries. Last year we only attended as 'spectators' because we had just started homeschooling. This year, Henri was inquisitive about other countries' exhibits and had fun playing games with both new and existing friends. What a contrast with last year, when he wouldn't let go of my hand during the entire visit and wouldn't say a word to anyone but me.
We've already signed up for next year....and selected the country - Scotland.

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