Sunday, February 27, 2011

Florida 'Field Trip'

Instead of flying to Florida for Henri's first visit to the Sunshine State, we thought that driving would offer many benefits including; getting a better grasp of the geography, observe the gradual seasonal and vegetation changes as we headed further South, and the chance to make a few stops to visit some other interesting locations along the way. We had a wonderful time!

Henri taking a closer look at an unusual Pine tree in Georgia

The Pine cones were equally unusual (he collected and brought back a bag full).

Henri's first close encounter with a Palm tree.

Henri couldn't wait to get his first glance of the Atlantic Ocean in Florida (this was near Daytona)

...and to check out the resort's amenities.

Trying out the new waterproof camera.

The space shuttles' hangar which boasts the world's largest hangar doors.

Shuttle Discovery on Launch Pad A, counting down the days until its final mission launch on Feb. 26

Appolo main engine

Apollo space capsule in relatively good shape considering the temperature extremes encountered in space and atmosphere re-entry.

We discovered that the Kennedy space centre owns a huge area (about 2500 acres) of restricted airspace/land which also serves as a wildlife preserve/sanctuary where many endangered species of fauna/flora are allowed to thrive.

Henri spots his first citrus fruit growing in its native environment.

We went to a pick-your-own orange grove which also offered a great Safari tour abord the world's largest 4X4!

Henri got a chance to drive the Monster Truck.

which drove us through 4 foot-deep water/mud patches! (at the base of the Everglades in dry season)

We learned that cows also enjoy 'freshly squeezed orange juice'.

Henri was thrilled to see an aligator in its natural environment.

...and pick delicious organic oranges and tangerines.

Of course we spent a day visiting Disney's (amazing despite being severely over-cowded) Magic Kingdom

Henri enjoyed visiting the hotels' swimming pools but...

... He absolutely LOVED every moment he spent at Cocoa Beach!

On our last full day in Orlando we visited Downtown Disney for a few hours.

After which we came back to enjoy the resort's facilities one last time.

Henri wanted to experience the Altantic ocean's waves again so we also visited Jetty Park's beach, where the ocean waves were equally satisfying yet also offered more glimpses of local wildlife such as Pelicans and Sea Turtles.

On the next day, the St-Augustine beach waves looked equally inviting, but despite being a mere two hours North from Cocoa, the water was just too cold to linger in...

Our main 'day-trip' on the way home was at the incredibly photogenic/historic city of Savannah, GA. We went on a guided bus tour of the city. It was a highly educational crash course in American history since Savannah seemed to somehow play a role every major conflict in the past 200 years!

After our lunch break we visited an interesting historical museum.

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