Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yellow Fish Road

Henri went to his homeschool friends' house on Wednesday to learn about the Yellow Fish Road program. Storm drains are meant to collect and drain rain water from roads exclusively. The collected water is then usually directed and released untreated into the nearest body of water, so pouring any contaminants (such as detergents, oil, etc.) down storm drains has a direct and cumulative impact on local water ecosystems. After painting the yellow fish logo using a stencil next to neighbouring storm drains, Henri and his friends distributed door hangers to help inform local residents on the subject. The kids seemed in a 'science' kind of mood so afterwards they did experiments with litmus paper to test the ph level of various common household liquids such as milk and lemon juice. This was followed by yet another game hammering special rocks which once cracked, revealed interesting crystalline interiors.

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