Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ontario Science Centre

Henri has recently demonstrated a keen interest in science. Melissa had a day off on Thursday so we decided to go for a day-trip to visit the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. We left after breakfast and returned back home just in time for Henri's bedtime. Despite spending over six hours in the sprawling complex discovering and exploring as many of the exhibits and presentations as we could, I still felt like we were often rushed and only getting a high-level overview of each section. It was a fascinating day, definitely worth another visit next time we have a chance. Below are a dozen photos, which only portray a mere glimpse of what Henri explored during the day.

Hair-raising Van De Graaff generator experiment

Model of the robot-astronaut (Robonaut) which will be delivered to the International Space Station aboard space shuttle Discovery this month. It will be the first permanent robotic resident of the space station.

Henri learned how to spell his name in Morse code at the amateur/ham radio station

Henri was fascinated by a stone/fragment which was brought back from the moon.

Henri riding the air-propelled astronaut-chair

Human body puzzle

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