Friday, November 26, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Henri has always loved water/pools/beaches/lakes, as long as his feet could touch the bottom (since he couldn't swim). After a first negative experience, he had no further interest in group swimming lessons. We found a local private swimming instructor this year who offered lessons at her home which Henri enjoyed but he didn't have enough time to make much progress since the summer was almost over. We discovered through the homeschool group that there were private lessons offered at the university so we signed him up in September. Henri had his last swimming lesson of the semester on Thursday morning. He was quite proud to get his Red Cross Level 4 badge and certificate. The two main criteria are; ability to swim 25 meters and surface support in deep water for 45 seconds. I was impressed since he could hardly swim at all when he started in September. He found the lessons very tiring but also rewarding. I signed him up for the winter semester on Friday.

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